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How to Run GitHub Actions Locally with act
9 min read

How to Run GitHub Actions Locally with act

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"Think globally, act locally" – this is the heart of what Act enables. Ever feel the pain of commit-push, commit-push, testing your GitHub Actions? Well, this tool is for you. In this tutorial, you're going to learn why running GitHub Actions locally will speed up your development and make things much more efficient.

Steps we will cover in this article:

Why Run GitHub Actions Locally?

There are two main reasons why running GitHub Actions locally can be a game changer:

1. Fast Feedback

Instead of pushing changes to GitHub every single time you want to test an update in your .github/workflows/ files, with Act you can run these actions locally. This tool actually emulates the environment GitHub uses, replicating both the variables and the filesystem, so then you can quickly test changes. This will really speed up your feedback loop and save some time and energy.

2. A Better Local Task Runner

If you enjoy working with tools like make, but are frustrated having to duplicate effort between your task runner and GitHub Actions, Act is a fantastic option. In it, you can utilize the GitHub Actions already defined in your .github/workflows/ as your local task runner, so there is no real need to maintain a Makefile. This cuts repetition and aligns workflows.


To get started using act, you’ll need to install the tool on your local machine. You can find how to do it for your operating system in the official Installation doc.

as a GitHub CLI Extension

Act installed as an extension is a neat way to incorporate it into your workflow if you use the GitHub CLI already. This makes running GitHub Actions locally even easier, since it is integrated into your existing GitHub CLI commands.

To install act as a GitHub CLI extension, execute:

gh extension install
Other installation methods
# Homebrew
brew install act

# Arch Linux
yay -Syu act

dnf copr enable goncalossilva/act
dnf install act-cli

# Windows
choco install act-cli

# MacPorts
sudo port install act

# Nix
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.act

# Scoop
scoop install act

# Winget
winget install nektos.act

How to Use act

Basic Usage: Running Workflows Locally

Once installed, you can start running your GitHub Actions locally. By default, act will trigger the push event, but you are able to specify other events too.

act push

This runs all workflows that are triggered by the push event.

For other events, like pull_request or schedule:

act pull_request
act schedule

To list all the workflows for a given event, you can use:

act -l pull_request

Running Workflows with Custom Event Payloads

Depending on the workflows you have, some event properties may be required. For example, a pull request event may have head_ref and base_ref values. You can provide these properties with a custom event file like this:

"pull_request": {
"head": {
"ref": "sample-head-ref"
"base": {
"ref": "sample-base-ref"

For the tagged push event, your event file would look like this:

"ref": "refs/tags/this-is-a-tag"

Run the event with:

act -e event.json

Working with Workflows

By default, act runs all workflows that it finds in .github/workflows/. If you would like to run specific workflows or override this behavior, you can specify the exact workflow or directory:

act -W '.github/workflows/'

This will trigger all the jobs placed in .github/workflows via a push event.

Alternatively, you could run a specific workflow file by running:

act -W '.github/workflows/checks.yml'

Running Specific Jobs

To run a specific job from a workflow, you’ll want to use the -j flag:

act -j 'test'

This will execute the job named test in all workflows triggered by the push event.

Configuration Files with .actrc

You can configure act using .actrc files, which let you specify common arguments. These should be present in directories and must be one argument per line.

Example .actrc file:


Working with Vars and Secrets

act allows you to pass repository variables and secrets for workflows. You can pass them interactively or load them from a file.

For variables, use:

act --var VARIABLE=somevalue
act --var-file my.variables

For secrets, use:

act -s MY_SECRET=somevalue
act --secret-file my.secrets

Be careful not to enter sensitive information, as it might be stored in terminal history. Use secure methods for input or prefix your command with a space.


Many workflows depend on the GITHUB_TOKEN GitHub provides. If you are experiencing issues with token authentication, you should create a personal access token and provide it as a secret:

act -s GITHUB_TOKEN=[your token here]

You can also use the GitHub CLI to automatically pass the token:

act -s GITHUB_TOKEN="$(gh auth token)"

Skipping Jobs and Steps Locally

You can bypass certain jobs or steps when running act locally. For jobs, use the if condition with a custom event property:

if: ${{ !github.event.act }} # Skip during local actions testing

For steps, use the ACT environment variable:

- name: Some step
if: ${{ !env.ACT }}

Manually Triggering Workflows with Inputs

You can pass inputs when manually triggering workflows via the CLI:

act --input NAME=somevalue
act --input-file my.input

The input file format is the same as .env.

Alternatively, you can provide a JSON file:

"inputs": {
"NAME": "Manual Workflow",

Trigger with:

act workflow_dispatch -e payload.json

Using Matrix Configurations

To run a specific subset of matrix configurations, use the --matrix flag. For example, to run the workflow for node 8:

act push --matrix node:8

This will trigger the workflow for os: ubuntu-18.04 and node: 8.

Action Offline Mode

To speed up running act and use cached actions and containers, enable offline mode:

act --action-offline-mode

This will prevent pulling existing images and actions from GitHub if they’re cached locally. It’s particularly helpful when dealing with network or rate-limiting issues.


with act for Local GitHub Actions

When using act to run workflows locally, the tool must simulate the GitHub runner environments defined in your workflow files. It does this by using specific Docker images for each type of runner that act leverages to instantiate a container. A quick summary of the most commonly used runner images follows:

GitHub RunnerMicro Docker ImageMedium Docker ImageLarge Docker Image

Without Docker

If you’re working with Windows or macOS and running act on a similar environment, you can skip using Docker by running workflows directly on the host system:

act -P ubuntu-latest=-self-hosted
act -P windows-latest=-self-hosted
act -P macos-latest=-self-hosted

Alternative Images

For a more complete GitHub Actions experience, you may want to use alternative runner images that closely match GitHub’s default environments:

  • nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04: A large, 18GB+ image that closely replicates GitHub's runner environment.
  • catthehacker/ubuntu:full-*: Full filesystem dumps of GitHub runners.

To use a specific Docker image for your runner, you can specify it with the -P option:

act -P ubuntu-18.04=nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04

For multiple platforms, list each platform with its corresponding image:

act -P ubuntu-18.04=nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04 -P ubuntu-latest=ubuntu:latest -P ubuntu-16.04=node:16-buster-slim

with Local Docker Images

By default, act pulls the required Docker images when running workflows. If you want to use a local image or avoid pulling new images every time, you can disable the pull behavior:

act --pull=false

Alternatively, you can enable offline mode to avoid pulling images:

act --action-offline-mode

Unsupported Features in act

While act is a powerful tool to run GitHub Actions locally, there are certain limitations due to design choices and because of available resources. Here’s a list of key features that are either planned for a future implementation or will not be supported:

Features Not Yet Supported (Planned)

  • Services: Support for services like databases is not yet available. (Issue #173)
  • Concurrency: Workflow concurrency is currently ignored.
  • run-name: This field is ignored, meaning you can't customize the name of a workflow run.
  • Step Summary: Summary output for steps is not processed.
  • Problem Matcher: Pattern matching for errors and warnings in logs is not supported.
  • Annotations: Workflow annotations are ignored.
  • vars Context: The vars context is not implemented, so variables defined this way cannot be used.
  • Incomplete github Context: Not all elements of the GitHub context are fully supported.
  • Run Steps Cancellation: Canceling running steps mid-execution isn't available.
  • Permissions: job.permissions are ignored, meaning that permission scopes for jobs aren’t respected.
  • Timeouts and Continue on Error: timeout-minutes and job.continue-on-error are not implemented.

Known Limitations

  • PATH for Node.js Actions: The container or act environment must include node for Node.js-based actions. GitHub's runners have their own copy of Node.js for both the container and host.
  • OpenID Connect: OpenID Connect URL support isn't available.
  • job.environment: Scoping secrets by deployment environment is not supported, and job.environment is ignored.


act is worth adding to your toolset.

Running GitHub Actions locally with act provides a two orders of magnitude increase in your development velocity because you will get fast feedback, and you won’t be stuck repeatedly committing and pushing. Besides testing changes in your workflows, act can be used as a local task runner, giving flexibility and efficiency in how you manage CI/CD pipelines.