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YAML to JSON Converter

Free online tool to convert between YAML and JSON formats. Perfect for configuration files, Kubernetes manifests, Docker compose, and more.

Input (YAML)


Output (JSON)


Frequently Asked Questions

Why should we convert YAML to JSON and vice-versa for Kubernetes?

Kubernetes accepts both YAML and JSON formats. While YAML is preferred for K8s manifests, as the format is very readable for humans and allows comments, JSON will often be needed in most situations working with APIs, programmatic access, or tools that prefer JSON format. Conversion from one to the other is a common operation in K8s workflows.

Is there a possibility of conversion of the Kubernetes Manifest by using this tool?

Yes! This tool is specifically optimized for Kubernetes manifests. It handles all K8s resource types, including Pods, Deployments, Services, ConfigMaps, and more. It keeps all Kubernetes-specific fields and formatting intact.

Is the tool free to use?

Yes, this tool is absolutely free of cost. Processing happens right in your browser, and no data will leave for any server.

What YAML/JSON versions are supported?

This tool supports YAML 1.2 and JSON specification compatible with all Kubernetes versions. It can handle complex Kubernetes manifests, including nested objects, arrays, and all primitive types.

Can I convert large Kubernetes manifests?

Yes, since all processing happens right in your browser, you can convert files of any size. The tool is capable of handling large multi-resource YAML files and complex Kubernetes configurations.

Is my data safe?

Absolutely! All conversion happens locally in your browser. No manifests or configuration data is ever sent to any server nor stored anywhere.

What file formats can be uploaded?

You can upload .json format files for JSON to YAML conversion and .yml or .yaml files for YAML to JSON conversion. Kubernetes manifest format is detected automatically by the tool.

What's the difference between format Pretty and Compact?

Pretty format means using proper indentation and line breaks for the sake of readability, which is perfect for editing Kubernetes manifests by hand. Compact format decreases whitespace to reduce the size; it's useful when interacting with the API.