- uses: Platane/snk@v3
# github user name to read the contribution graph from (**required**)
# using action context var `github.repository_owner` or specified user
github_user_name: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
# list of files to generate.
# one file per line. Each output can be customized with options as query string.
# supported options:
# - palette: A preset of color, one of [github, github-dark, github-light]
# - color_snake: Color of the snake
# - color_dots: Coma separated list of dots color.
# The first one is 0 contribution, then it goes from the low contribution to the highest.
# Exactly 5 colors are expected.
outputs: |
Generates a snake game from a GitHub user contributions graph and output a screen capture as animated SVG or GIF.
is GitHub Action that transforms a GitHub user's contribution graph into a snake game animation. The snake navigates through the graph, "eating" cells based on the contribution levels, which is visually represented in a GIF or SVG format.
It's set up as a GitHub action, meaning it can automatically update the image daily—perfect for spicing up your GitHub profile readme!
Here's how to use it:
- Add the GitHub Action to your workflow: Use
uses: Platane/snk@v3
. - Configure the action:
- GitHub User Name: Automatically uses the repository owner or you can specify a user.
- Output Options: Choose from a variety of file types and visual settings. For instance, you can set different color palettes like 'github', 'github-dark', or 'github-light', and adjust the snake and dots colors to match your style. snk