jenkins-plugin-cli --plugins mailer:472.vf7c289a_4b_420

Instant email alerts for build updates, streamlining workflow responses.
What is Jenkins Mailer Plugin?
This plugin is actually a spin-off from the original core-based email component.
Simply put, this plugin lets you set up email notifications to alert you about the outcomes of your builds. It's a straightforward way to stay informed without needing to constantly check Jenkins for updates.
This functionality can really streamline our workflows by ensuring that everyone involved gets timely updates, which is crucial for quick responses to build issues.
How does Jenkins Mailer Plugin work?
Email notifications in Jenkins are configured by adding an E-mail notification Post-build Action to your jobs. Here's how it informs you of different build events:
- Every failed build triggers a new e-mail.
- A successful build following a failed (or unstable) build sends a new e-mail, indicating the resolution of issues.
- An unstable build after a successful one triggers a new e-mail, suggesting a regression.
- Every unstable build can trigger a new e-mail if configured, highlighting ongoing issues.
The Recipients field should contain a whitespace or comma-separated list of email addresses. You can also include build parameters using syntax like $PARAM
Additional Options:
- Send e-mail for every unstable build: Check this box if you want notifications for every unstable build, not just after successful ones.
- Send separate e-mails to individuals who broke the build: If enabled, emails will be sent to individuals responsible for changes that likely broke the build. If other recipient addresses are specified, they will receive notifications as well. If no other addresses are listed, only the individuals responsible will be notified.
This configuration helps ensure that all relevant team members are promptly informed about the build status, facilitating quick responses and continuous integration practices.