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Working with Git Remotes

8 min read
DevOps Engineer, Former Frontend Engineer πŸ”§
My focus is on automating workflows and making sure CI/CD pipelines run like a well-oiled machine.


Version control with Git was created to be collaborative, so managing remote repositories becomes a crucial part of using Git. This article walks you through some core Git actions you can perform regarding remote URLs: how to modify existing remotes, rename, and perform a complete delete. You will learn how to master the subtleties of Git remote repository management, from actual command-line examples to the most common mistakes that one should avoid.

Steps we will cover in this article:

How to change a remote repository URL​

To replace an existing remote repository's URL, I use the git remote set-url command. As this command name suggests, I name the remote and the new URL to be set. For instance, to update the origin remote to a different HTTPS URL, I do the following:

$ git remote set-url origin https://github.com/username/repository.git

To switch from HTTPS to SSH, I would type the following in a similar way:

$ git remote set-url origin [email protected]:username/repository.git

After running this command, I need to make sure that the change has taken effect. I check the list of current remotes:

$ git remote -v

This should show the updated URL for both fetch and push for you. A simple mistake I find myself making often is "no such remote exists," which almost always is due to a typo in the remote name. To avoid that, I will always first check what existing remotes are present using:

$ git remote -v

In case everything appears OK yet the problems persist, I check if there are any URL typographical errors. This saves unnecessary headaches by keeping remote names and making sure they are correct.

Common Mistakes When Changing Remotes​

When renaming remote urls in Git, there are a couple of frequent errors that might pop up and actually interrupt your workflow. Perhaps the most common is the "no such remote exists" message. Nine out of ten times this means you have used the wrong name for something. Whenever I come across this issue, listing the current remoters is how I always begin my troubleshooting:

$ git remote -v

This would affirm whether the remote name is correct. If I have verified that the name is correct and I'm still having problems, then perhaps the problem is a simple typographical error in the URL itself. I would now check that the URL is correctly formatted and points to the repository that I want to use.

Another common mistake I make is attempting to rename a remote that does not exist. So, all too often I'll run a command like:

$ git remote rename nonexistent newname

this will give an error message that says 'remote already exists', in other words, the remote cannot be renamed. Again, listing existing remotes can clear up confusion. In case this command fails because the new name is already in use, I have to choose another name or rename the conflicting remote first. A lot of frustration can be avoided simply by paying close attention to such details.

How to Rename a Remote Repository​

In this chapter I will describe how to rename an already existing Git remote repository using the git remote rename command. The basic syntax of this command is straightforward: one should specify a current name of the remote and a new name to be assigned. Say, to rename some remote named origin into upstream, I execute:

$ git remote rename origin upstream

Once this is run, it’s imperative that I check to make sure a rename has taken place. I can accomplish this by listing all current remotes:

$ git remote -v

The output should indicate that, and both fetch and push should reflect the new name:

> upstream  https://github.com/username/repository.git (fetch)

> upstream https://github.com/username/repository.git (push)

For the error that a remote to rename does not exist, I list my current remotes first. That may be because I have misspelled names. Besides, if the new name has already been in use, I can either pick another name or rename the old one to some name that differs. Running this kind of command helps me ensure that my remote management is faultless and smooth.

Common Renaming Remotes Screw Ups​

When it comes to renaming remotes within Git, several drops can occur that might disturb my workflow. The most common error I've got is trying to rename a remote that does not exist. For example, trying to run the following:

$ git remote rename nonexistent newname

I'll get an error like:

> fatal: Could not rename config section 'remote.nonexistent' to 'remote.newname'

Prerequisite checking of existing remotes by using:

$ git remote -v

That will ensure that I have not mistyped the remote name. Another common mistake occurs when one tries to set a new name using a name that already does exist. If I do something like:

$ git remote rename origin upstream

but that's already the name of another remote, I'll get an error saying the new name is not valid. If this happens, I should use a different new name, or first rename the conflicting remote:. Being aware of such issues and checking remotes beforehand will save one from much confusion and keep a number of remotes tidy.

How to Delete a Remote Repository​

In this chapter, I will show how one can delete a remote repository using the git remote rm command. The command to remove a remote from your local setup is this followed by the name of the remote you want to get rid of. For instance, if you had Remote named destination, you would run:

$ git remote rm destination

This command will remove the specified remote from your configuration. After running it, it's crucial to ensure that the remote has been successfully removed. You can verify this by listing the remaining remotes with:

$ git remote -v

The output should reflect only those remotes which are still configured. For instance:

origin  https://github.com/username/repository.git (fetch)
> origin https://github.com/username/repository.git (push)

And hence, it is also confirmed that destination has been removed.

One easy mistake to make, is trying to delete a remote that doesn't exist. If you run:

$ git remote rm nonexistent

You will get an error message such as:

> error: Could not remove config section 'remote.nonexistent'

To avoid this error, make sure you have correctly typed the name of the remote by checking with:

$ git remote -v

If you are certain that the name is spelled correctly, case sensitivity is another thing you should also check. Note that this command only removes the reference from local repository; it will not delete itself from remote repository from the host. To keep the project clean, run regularly: git remote -v.

Common Errors When Removing Remotes​

Checks when removing a Git remote repository often involve some common errors that can be very confusing. Probably the most common error involves deleting a remote that does not exist. Suppose I try to use a command like:

$ git remote rm nonexistent

I will get an error message that says:

> error: Could not remove config section 'remote.nonexistent'

To do so, I would need to check the list of existing remotes using:

$ git remote -v

This would affirm that I have indeed used the proper names of the remotes in my repository. The next common complication involves case sensitivity. If, out of error, I might use wrong case, like Destination instead of destination, I may think the remote does not exist and waste unnecessary time trying to correct the error. It is good to verify the names of remotes before deleting, to avoid such cases. Also, maintaining clear and meaningful names will definitely help in avoiding confusion while going through the process. Update regularly regarding the list of remotes to keep me in context while making changes.

Best Practices for Managing Remotes​

Abstract. Here, I will summarize best practices regarding Git remotes. First and foremost, you should check your naming of remote repositories. By this, you might avoid some confusion and mistakes, particularly when cooperating in a team. You can also set meaningful naming conventions. For instance, you might name the source repository as upstream and your forked repository as origin. This will help other collaborators immediately know where each remote originates from.

Another key practice is to check your remotes regularly using the command:

$ git remote -v

This will give you a snapshot of all remotes configured, so you can keep track of your repository's connections. Finally, organizing your remotes is important when working together. With clear and current references, you'll have a better way of pulling, fetching, and pushing changes accordingly, making the process much smoother.


Summary: Remote repositories form the foundation of how one works effectively with Git. Learning to add, rename, and delete these associations will help keep you with a tidy repository setup and free from clutter. Double-check your remote names for spelling, and remember some common mistakes so that collaboration goes without hiccups. With this, handling your Git projects will become way easier.